destory system. Dispose all data
destroy all system data but keeps name which is used for case of system re-registration
Disable system. If actually it is disabled function do nothing.
Enable system. If actually it is enabled function do nothing.
Check if system is enabled.
Get system id.
Return false if system was unregistered, true otherwise.
Get system name.
Get system priority.
Return pointer to user side system object
Get if system will be executed during current frame. Should be checked after manager.begin(). Its value is setted as result of manager.onBegin() callback.
required components
is system empty? Empty systems don't update entities, and is called once per update
should system update and catch events?
excluded components
should system be executed in current update?
system id
system name
optional components
system pass index
system priority
pointer to system implementation
workaroud for DMD bug with upper line
System contain data required to proper glue EntityManager with Systems. System callbacks: